Contact The Sweet Project
0121 458 2270
Drop In
We offer an advisory drop in service 10am – 2pm daily. Here you can receive advice about debt management, information sharing, crisis intervention, self referrals, and so on.
Children & Families
We work directly with children and families, offering a variety of support and advice to parents who are experiencing difficulties with their children’s behaviour. If you would like to talk to someone without the fear of being judged please call us 0121 458 2270.
Family Group Conferencing
Cases are referred to SWEET, who undertake an intensive intervention involving all family members in order to identify solutions to problems.
Groups For Parents
Pick and Mix Parenting Group
Thursday mornings 9.30am – 12pm
This group offers parents the chance to meet in a relaxed and safe environment to discuss any concerns they have about their children. This is a parent-led group.
Break and Stay Free
Thursday afternoons 1pm – 2.30pm
This is a unique approach to service users who have experienced and survived, or who are living with domestic abuse. The group will have the opportunity to consider and reflect on the impact of domestic abuse on themselves and their children. Suitable for men and women.
The DALE Legacy Programme
A group for perpetrators of Domestic Abuse. It was discovered during the Break and Stay free sessions that there is a lack of service provision for perpetrators. Sessions can be delivered individually or in groups. The focus is on the impact of abuse on children and partners and the fact that domestic abuse is not about anger management but about power and control.
Alongside both groups, we continue to conduct direct work in schools to ascertain the impact of abuse on children. Our approach is holistic, encompassing the whole family.