Direct Work in


Contact The Sweet Project

0121 458 2270

The SWEET Project has been working in primary and secondary schools since 2010 to deliver early help and therapeutic services for issues such as significant mental health, escalating behaviour, low self-esteem, low attainment, poor attachment, self-harm and suicidal thoughts.

Our direct work and group-based sessions for schools enable at risk children and families to access professional help in a familiar environment.

Our support improves children’s emotional health and wellbeing, and parents and carers are empowered to feel confident in their parenting. All this contributes to children and young people succeeding at school, achieving their full potential and leading happy, fulfilled lives free from poverty and isolation.

We are open throughout the year including school holidays (excluding bank holidays) and offer a range of interventions for the whole family including:

  • 1:1 Direct Work with children and young people
  • 1:1 work with parents / carers to increase parenting capacity
  • Attendance assessments
  • Parenting workshops
  • Domestic abuse workshops
  • Group Work – individually tailored to meet the needs of the children, young people including nurture groups, social skills, peer friendships, transition to senior school
  • Child Protection / Children in Need (now undertaking statutory assessments for Birmingham Children’s Services)
  • Crisis Intervention – we aim to allocate all cases within a maximum of 24 hours. This can include supporting parents to access food banks, attend housing appointments and assistance with benefits.
  • Education and Parent / Carer mediation

All packages of support are individually tailored for your school.

We understand the financial pressures facing schools, so our interventions are competitive and cost effective. We operate a pricing structure which is determined by volume of cases; however, bespoke interventions can be discussed to meet the needs of your school. We also work with pupil referral units, special schools and colleges.

Any questions?

If you have any questions regarding the project please let us know

Email the project