Contact The Sweet Project

0121 458 2270

Welcome to
The SWEET Project

SWEET-Project-Safe-Guarding Children

What does the SWEET project do?

We are a social enterprise not-for-profit venture, formed in March 2010. We work with children, families and vulnerable adults to provide protection, safeguarding, empowerment, problem-solving skills and support.

The SWEET Project is committed to helping families and adults in Birmingham to meet the challenges they face on a daily basis. One of our key aims is to ensure that families and adults in the greatest need receive a specific level of support to help them overcome their difficulties. The support offered is essential, often provided where other agencies do not offer any or where their support has ended. We are committed to building strong relationships with families and adults.

The SWEET Project is motivated by a belief that we can make a difference for all children. We believe that support for the whole family is frequently the answer to problems. With the right help, committed support and conviction even the most at-risk children can be supported to identify and reach their individual aspirations. Equally, we are committed to providing the highest quality practice learning placements combined with equipping student social workers with the skills needed to be first class social workers.

The SWEET Project has two aims:

To find a workable means of meeting the needs of families and adults

To improve the quality of placement learning opportunities for student social workers.

The SWEET Project
Helping Families & Adults in Birmingham

  • Student feedback received to date has been very positive. The practice placement at SWEET has been described as “excellent” due to the complexity of work that has been undertaken, which enabled one student “to learn and develop confidence”.

    Ms Marvia Chambers(Placement Manager)
    The University of Wolverhampton
  • New College is impressed by the level and variety of supervision offered and by the level of creativity the project encourages in students’ practice. A good learning experience for students.

    New College, Worcester University
    Ms Lesley Parish (Placement Manager)
  • The SWEET Project offers a supportive environment with a range of learning opportunities tailored to meet the individual learning needs of particular students, e.g. providing experience of working with groups or working with adults as well as the core business of working with children and families.

  • Student feedback received to date has been very positive. The practice placement at SWEET has been described as “excellent” due to the complexity of work that has been undertaken, which enabled one student “to learn and develop confidence”.

We work
in partnership with


Local authorities

“There are no other placements like it, where you have all the trainers in one place. Here you benefit from a variety of different practice educators, including three senior staff, a newly-qualified worker, and a senior support worker, who offer a range of perspectives in case management.”

Contact The SWEET Project

0121 458 2270

Any questions?

If you have any questions regarding the project please let us know

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